20 Photos Of What High School Looked Like In The 1960s
Daniel Bonfiglio
High school in the 1960s was an interesting mix of new aged social protest, and old-timey yardsticks to the behind.
Kids wanted nothing more than to move on to a new age of progressive thought and dress, and the Catholic nuns wanted nothing more than to smack every kid back to Jesus.
Here are 20 photos showing what high school looked like in the 1960s.
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1. Typing Class
1960s high school. -
3. Color Guard Members
A High School in Southern California, 1960s. -
4. Lunch Time
At Abraham Lincoln High School in Los Angeles, California, 1960s. -
5. High School Dance
Camera conscious, 1963. -
6. Honor Roll Students
At St. Augustine High School, New Orleans, late 1960s. -
7. Making Copies on a Mimeograph Machine
The better copiers were still too expensive for most school districts. -
8. Two Dates
To a high school formal, early 1960s. -
9. Bishop McCort Johnstown Catholic High School
Cheerleaders in 1963, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. -
10. Playing Varsity Basketball
High school, 1960s. -
11. High School Talent Show
Dressed up in the 1960s. -
12. High School Field Trip
Going to the Midwest Old Threshers in Iowa. -
13. The High School Junior Rifle Club
Metairie, Louisiana, late 1960s. -
14. Typing Class
At Bishop Amat High School, 1967, La Puente CA. -
15. Students
At South Salem High School in the mid 1960s. -
16. Palisades High School
Students Protesting the school’s demand that they get haircuts, Los Angeles, California, March 7, 1966. -
17. High School Assembly in 1968
No jeans or shorts allowed. -
18. Student Athlete
East Brunswick High School, New Jersey, 1960s. -
19. A PE Class
Climbing ropes in the 1960s. -
20. Football Team at Bishop Amat High School
La Puente, CA, 1967.